Trofimov Alexander
General director and Chief of Scientific council of ISRICA
Trofimov Alexander . 1973 – got a diploma of the Doctor on Novosibirsk State Medical University. 1998 - degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, after- ISA professor (1999), academician of International Academy Energy-informative Sciences (2001), academician of ABI, USA(2010) General director and Chief of Scientific council of International Scientific Research Institute of Cosmoplanetary Anthropoecology (ISRICA), named after academician V.P,Kaznacheev (1994-2016), chief of laboratory helioclimatopathology of Science Center of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Medical Science (until 2010 year). Trofimov Alexander is also D.Sc (H.C.,Colombo,1996), D.Sc of Open International University for Complementary Medicine in India (1998), member of Orgcommittee of conferences of OMICS group «Earth Science and Climate Change» (2014-2016). From 1975 till 2010 wrote more than 300 scientific works, 7 monographs and have 9 patents. Basic research interest: heliobiology, cosmic anthropoecology, geoecology, geophysics, helioclimatopathology, preventive medicine, investigation of water as a helioprotective mean.
Research Interest
Anthrop-ecology, Climate Change, geoecology, geophysics, investigation of water as a helioprotective mean.